Starbucks Dairy Standard

Promoting Environmental stewardship, Ethical Farming, and Animal Welfare

What is Starbucks Dairy Standard?

In 2022 Starbucks launched its Sustainable Dairy Program, designed to advance environmental stewardship, help enhance farmer and workforce conditions, and help ensure the quality care of animals. The program provides farmers with tools and information to help ensure a more sustainable dairy industry for future generations, including the Starbucks Dairy Standard. In partnership with SCS Global Services, the Starbucks Dairy Standard was developed and tailored to be implemented through a model that fits the Starbucks dairy supply chain. The Standard evaluates social, environmental, and animal care practices on participating farms and promotes continuous improvement.

Amanda Stone

Document Name Document
Dairy Cattle Scoring Guidance English
Starbucks Dairy Standard (SDS) English   |   Chinese Simplified
Verification Manual English   |   Chinese Simplified