Carbon Footprint Calculation

GHG Inventory Preparation for Companies

Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG Inventory for Entities

Calculating your company’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory is an essential first step in managing your carbon footprint and an important part of your corporate sustainability program. The regulatory environment is changing rapidly in respect to GHG Inventory reporting. In the U.S., the SEC announced proposed requirements for the mandatory reporting of corporate GHG emissions and California introduced SB 253 to require reporting of GHG emissions. In the EU, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or CSRD will also affect companies with subsidiaries in the U.S. or companies doing business in the EU. Now is the time to make sure your entity GHG Inventory is in order whether you are a professional services company, a municipal entity, non-profit, or a product manufacturer large or small, private or public.

With 30+ years assessing carbon footprints for clients in all types of industries, SCS provides a one-stop-shop for assessment of your organization’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol. We provide the inventory in a format that is easy for you to maintain year over year. Our experts help you define which Scope 3 categories are material to your organization then they employ the best calculation method to build the inventory for each category. Once you have your GHG inventory, SCS helps you understand the full climate change impact throughout your value chain and can support with identification of strategies for emissions reduction. Your inventory can be used to identify emissions hotspots, set Science Based Targets (SBTI) for emissions reductions, and report to CDP, TCR and other reporting bodies.


Why choose SCS?

SCS brings 40 years of experience working in nearly every sector of the economy to inform work in calculating the GHG inventory for organizations. We have been a trusted ESG provider utilizing our well established LCA practice and experts to develop GHG Scope 3 inventories for complex upstream and downstream categories for over 30 years.  SCS practitioners employ the most current accounting principles and GHG calculation methodologies including the most up-to-date emissions factors. Based on our Quality Assurance Customer Surveys, SCS stands out for the exceptional quality of our work; the ethics, reliability, and thoroughness of our auditors; and our quick response and follow-up to all inquiries and ongoing requests for information. You have a choice in practitioners. Choose SCS so we can leverage our decades of experience to efficiently develop your GHG emissions inventory.

  • Services
  • Process
  • Program Documents
  • Carbon footprint assessment for Scopes 1, 2, and 3
  • Custom Inventory Reporting Tools
  • Carbon Reduction/Decarbonization Strategy
  • Setting Science Based Targets (SBTi)
  • Greenhouse Gas Verification
  • Carbon Neutral Certification
  • CDP Reporting Assistance
  • CDP Score Improvement
  1. Initial kick off meeting to cover data collection training as well as a Scope 3 relevant categories which can be workshopped if needed.
  2. Data collection: SCS supports our clients throughout the process to ensure data collection is timely (4-6 weeks max) and is of high quality. Weekly or bi-weekly meetings may be employed.
  3. Inventory calculation
  4. Inventory tool preparation, if needed
  5. Delivery of inventory: SCS can also provide client marketing support
Document Name Document
Carbon Disclosure Project Visit Site
Climate Services Brochure English

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