GSCC® Steel Climate Standard Certification

A comprehensive low-emission steel standard for all steel producers.

What is GSCC® Steel Climate Standard Certification?

The Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC®) Steel Climate Standard uses a comprehensive system boundary to demonstrate an organization’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement 2050 1.5-degree Celsius goal. The boundary includes Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from mining and/or resource extraction to the hot rolling process and allows for certification at both the product and site-levels. 

GSCC® considers independent verification to be a key pillar of conformance to the standard. Suitable for all steel-producers, certification to GSCC®’s Steel Climate Standard helps provide transparency across the steel value chain, as well as a known and repeatable method to track and plan their carbon emissions reduction activities.

To achieve certification, steel producers must calculate their company’s average steel emissions intensity (CASEI), set science-based emissions targets (SBETs), and calculate their product carbon footprints. SCS Global Services provides third-party verification and validation services of these metrics and assists with annual reviews to ensure certification and continued standard conformance.

Why Choose SCS?

SCS is proud to be one of GSCC®’s first approved verifiers for the Steel Climate Standard. With our unmatched expertise in steel, our expert auditors will assist in SBET goal setting and calculation of your organization’s CASEI and carbon footprint. Our team employs the most current calculation methodologies including complex verifications for Scope 3 categories. With over 40 years in business, we boast a 90% customer return rate thanks to our consistent customer service and on-time delivery, ensuring your organization a seamless road to certification. 

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Environmental Certification Team