GlobalG.A.P. Application

SECTION 1: Company Information

Legal Entity

This information will be listed on the certificate as written in this section, including Legal Entity name (farm or producer name), Address, and Country of Production (ex.: USA, Mexico).

Please send proof of legal entity to [email protected].



Legal Contact

This should be the individual responsible for maintaining the product and company information with the CB and coordination of food safety audits, and will be listed in the GLOBALG.A.P. database.


Billing Information

Billing Address

Contact Info for Audit Coordination (ex: Consultant, Farm Manager, etc.)

Contact Person

Identification Information

Growers may also register under their Global Location Number (GLN), and the use of GLNs and subGLNs is encouraged for multi-site entities.

Based on the newest version of the standard, GPS coordinates are required by GLOBALG.A.P. The minimum input accuracy level shall be +/-10 m. On request, SCS will send you instructions on obtaining these.

Data Access Level

If no level is chosen, default setting will be used according to GlobalGAP General Regulations.
Data Access Rules V4.1

Choose Data Access Level

SECTION 2: Previous Certification

  • It is required per GLOBALG.A.P. regulations that any and all existing GLOBALG.A.P. Registration Numbers (GGNs) be disclosed. The GGN is a unique registration number that is issued by GLOBALG.A.P. to the producer during registration and is intended to remain with the legal entity for the life of the entity.
  • Previous certification of the land/produce of the current legal entity that was under the control of a separate legal entity does not need to be disclosed. Example: if the producer bought the farms or ranches from another entity that was GLOBALG.A.P. certified, it is not necessary to list the certification here.
  • While current or previous certification does not preclude certification, it is necessary to disclose any previous sanctions as well as previous audit standards prior to inspection.
  • Failure to comply will result in fines levied by GLOBALG.A.P.
Product Scheme Certification Body Operations

SECTION 3: Audit Scheme

Option 1 applies to individual producers/legal entities and includes multi-site operations and single legal entities with Quality Management System(s) that govern sites.

Multisite: Farms with more than one location separated by distance or region that may have separate individual locations with their own documentation/management. This does not apply to single sites with multiple growing ranches/fields. Please note that if this option is chosen, all sites of the multisite will be needed to be audited annually to be certified. No sampling of sites is allowed for the CB audit.

Option 2 is for a legal entity that has Quality Management System(s) and will be certifying multiple growers (Producer Group Members) that operate under the Quality Management System(s) and sell certified products only under one seller/broker/facility (certificate holder). 


1. Choose Standard
2. Choose Options

Please complete and submit the Multiple Producers Registration Addendum (Required)

3. Optional Add-Ons

Unannounced Audit Information

As part of SCS’s responsibilities for maintaining GLOBALG.A.P. accreditation, we are required to conduct annual “unannounced” audits of 10% of our GLOBALG.A.P. clients.  All PHA, HPSS, and IFA Version 5.4-1 GFS & V6-GFS Unannounced audits will be fully unannounced (no prior notification). 

You may nominate up to 15 blackout days where an unannounced audit will not be performed. Unannounced audits will not be performed on federal holidays or weekends and do not need to be added as blackout days.

SECTION 4: Product Information – Required for IFA, HPSS, FSA, Hops, SPRING

  • Individual crops must be listed here, for example: Apples, Mandarins, Oranges, Hard Squash, Zucchini, Hops. Please see the current product list here.
  • Further Harvest:  When crops registered for certification will be grown in an area already registered for that certification cycle, they shall be registered as further harvest. Surfaces registered under further harvest are not subject to additional producer registration fees
  • Product Handling:  Any handling of products conducted post-harvest, where the product may have physical contact with other materials or substances, including:  Storage, Chemical Treatment, Trimming, Washing, Hulling.  This excludes product processing. 
  • Produce sold prior to harvest: If product is not owned by the legal entity at the time of harvest, you may submit evidence proving this (Signed contract between legal entity and buyer showing all acreage is excluded) to (email address) to exclude harvest from the audit. If this is not provided, harvest must be included in the audit.
Crops AREA First Harvest AREA Further Harvest Product grown in a building Produce sold prior to harvest Field Packed Product Handling Countries of Destination Operations

Any acreage that is replanted or multi-cropped during the season should be listed in the Further Crops column and not counted towards the Total First Harvest Acres.


SECTION 5: Ranch

Please download and complete the Registration Addendum and present to the auditor on the day of the audit. This must accurately reflect all crops and acreages at the time of the audit.

NOTE: Fields that make up a farm are not considered ranches.  A ranch refers to the whole site.  
Please note that we do not require a field list to be submitted for a individual producer (single site).  If you would like the fields to be listed on the report please submit on the registration addendum to the auditor on the day of the audit (optional).

For a Multi-site producer, all ranches must be submitted.

Option 1 Producer Main Ranch, Producer group member ranch, or Ranches of an Option 1 multisite.

  • List all products that are grown on that Ranch/Field, including all harvests, if there are more than 10 sites or fields to be named on the certificate, please use the Registration Addendum.
  • Please note that if this is an initial audit, harvest must be seen in order to certify.
Site Name Address GPS coordinates Acres Product(s) Approximate Harvest Window Operations

SECTION 6: Produce Handling

(IFA and HPSS only.   PHA skip to section 9)

Product handling is required if product is owned by this company at time of handling, even if packinghouse/cooler is audited under another GFSI Certification. Product handling must be inspected annually by the CB to certify.

Please use this tool to determine if handling is to be included in the certification.


Name Facility Contact Contact Information Complete Address GFSI Certification Products Handled Operations

SECTION 7: Parallel Ownership

Please list all products that are fall under Parallel Ownership


Non-certified product is purchased or handled by operation growing a similar certified product(s). For example, non-certified red apples and certified red apples are stored/packed by the operation.

SECTION 8: Subcontractors

SECTION 9: Produce Handling Assurance

Name Complete Address Number of packing lines per facility Facility Contact Operation Type GFSI Certification Dates of operation Products Handled Operations

SECTION 10: Chain of Custody – Plants/Crops

Product Description Product Labeling Destination Countries GFSI Certification Name and Number GGN Label Licensee Supply chain or retail/restaurant? Product Amount Operations
Are High-Risk Subcontractor companies used? If Yes, complete table below.
Contractor Name Address High-risk Activity Operations

  • Crops – Acres, First Harvest – For perennial/tree crops or in other cases where there is only one crop/harvest per certificate cycle, all acres shall be listed as “First Harvest”.
  • Crops -– Acres, Further Harvest – when crops to be registered for certification are subsequently planted on acres that have already been registered for the certificate cycle, those subsequent acres shall be registered as “Further Harvest”. For example: Lettuce or Arugula to be certified that is planted on acres that have already had certified Lettuce or Arugula harvested in the current certificate cycle shall have those acres listed as “Further Harvest”.
  • Covered – Covered crops are those that are grown under or within a structure that alters the growing environment. These include greenhouses or other types of covering that remain over the produce for the entire growing cycle, have foundations, and are large enough to allow entry of people. It does not include macro-tunnels/high-tunnels that do not remain over the crop for the entire growing cycle. Also excluded are: micro-tunnels/low-tunnels, mulch, hail protection, or netting.
  • Harvest Excluded – Harvest is included if the produce is owned by the legal entity during the harvest process even if the harvest is performed by subcontractors. Harvest is excluded if the produce is sold prior to the harvest procedures and is no longer under the control of the legal entity.
  • Produce Handling – Handling is included if product is under the ownership of the legal entity during the handling process. If the product is not under the ownership and control of the legal entity, handling shall not be included.
  • Countries of Destination – GLOBALG.A.P. requires that all intended countries that the produce may be exported to be listed here. Countries must be listed individually unless harmonized MRLs exist for a given country group, e.g., European Union.

SECTION 11: Permissions and Authorizations

Carefully read the following section, then complete the signature box below to show that you have read and understand it. 

When the producer makes use of the service of different CBs, such as one CB for one product and another CB for another product, the producer must:

  • Apply during registration to the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat for approval through the CB. This will be treated as an exception and the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat shall permit it based on valid justification.
  • Agree in writing to inform the relevant CBs if a sanction is issued (and all detail of the sanction, i.e. non-conformance, time limit for corrective action, etc.) and also to allow open communication between the CBs regarding the scope and details of actions to be taken across CBs (if any) 
  • Agree in writing to allow GLOBALG.A.P. to share information on non-conformances and sanctions between the relevant CBs. 
  • Assign one CB to be responsible for collection of the registration fee or for granting this role to a chosen trustee.  The CB accepts this responsibility in the database.
    By applying, the applicant commits to comply with the obligations set forth in the GLOBALG.A.P. scheme, including:
  • Compliance with the certification requirements at all times.
  • Payment of the applicable fees established by GLOBALG.A.P. and by the Scientific Certification Systems
  • The terms and conditions of the Sub-License and Certification Agreement
  • Communication of data updates to the CB
    • GLOBALG.A.P. has developed a document which describes the default data access settings of the GLOBALG.A.P. database system and details what information is published and visible to different parties. A link to this document is found online here: Data Access Rules V4.0

Transfer of producers registered in the database to SCS: All producers must first resolve any outstanding sanction(s) before being able to transfer to SCS.I agree that Scientific Certification Systems, Inc., d.b.a. SCS Global Services (SCS) is able to pass on relevant information applicable to this registration and application forms to GLOBALG.A.P., where it will be made publicly available as long as the registration status remains current.

Minimum and obligatory data release level for all sub-scopes:  The GGN, registration number, GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate number, scheme, version, option, certification body, products and status, produce handling/processing declaration, number of producers (in Option 2), country of production and destination, Production Management Units and Produce Handling Units, as well as information on parallel production and harvest exclusion per product (if applicable) are available to the public.  In addition, every certificate holder’s company name and address is available to registered industry market participants including GLOBALG.A.P. members.


In signing this, I agree to release data according to the access level selected above.