ISCC Plus Audit Preparation

Let SCS’ experts prepare you for certification to one of the leading bio-based and recycled content standards

What is ISCC PLUS Certification?

ISCC PLUS is an internationally recognized voluntary certification program for making claims about the bio-based and recycled (circular) content of products. The program focuses on assuring the sustainable production of raw materials and the downstream traceability at each point in the supply chain through a segregation or mass-balance approach.   

The ISCC Plus Standard defines sourcing and traceability criteria for certification of bio-based and circular content claims for a wide range of product inputs, including plastics, resins, chemicals, bioenergy and even some food and feed ingredients. The ISCC PLUS program is a globally recognized standard for the recovery of waste and residues that become the feedstocks for circular plastics, chemical intermediates, and a wide variety of consumer facing products like packaging, housewares, toys, etc. Additional add-on claims can also be included that can help calculate product impacts and meet climate and no deforestation regulations by tracking value chain emissions (GHG add-on) and deforestation risks (EUDR add-on).  

SCS’ Audit Prep Process

SCS Consulting is led by veteran certification auditors who know the process of auditing inside and out. One of our Managing Directors started the ISCC program at our independent sister company (SCS Global Services) and has reviewed countless company procedures, ISCC audit reports, issued and close non-conformities and issued over 100 ISCC certifications globally. Our expert team will take you through the following steps to ensure you’re prepared for your company’s ISCC Plus certification audit: 

  1. Baseline assessment: Review existing company processes, management systems, standard operating procedures and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to determine how ISCC-processes can be integrated. 
  1. Procedure development: Develop written procedures that will integrate into existing processes and ensure ISCC requirements are met. 
  1. Mass balance accounting: SCS will develop a custom mass balance accounting system that can work independently or used as the basis for integration into the your ERP system. 
  1. Capacity building: SCS will develop customized training based on the new procedures and accounting process and deliver it to relevant staff. 
  1. Internal audit: SCS can conduct an on-site internal audit at your facility to prepare your staff and identify gaps and opportunities for improvement prior to your certification audit. This will give your team confidence in the system and allow for corrective actions to be made preemptively, streamlining the certification process.  
  1. Certification audit support: As ISCC experts, SCS can be available to support your team during the 3rd-party audit. There are requirements of the standard that can be interpretated differently by different auditors and SCS will be your internal advocate and help you respond to any issues that arise.  

Get in Touch with SCS today!
