Product Carbon Footprint Verification

Provide solid and transparent information about the carbon intensity of your products with expertly prepared product carbon footprints. SCS offers development of carbon footprints for your products based on ISO 14067, PAS 2050 and WRI GHG Protocol. With over 30 years of experience in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the team at SCS Global Services can expertly examine your product carbon intensity over its full lifecycle including raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, use, and end of life disposal. Product carbon footprints can be communicated to your customers and can be used as a basis for pursuing carbon neutral certification once verified. Developing your product carbon footprints will give you the information you need to meet customer requests and manage the carbon associated with your products.

Product Carbon Footprint Highlights

Product carbon footprints can be used by organizations of all sizes and types, in any location, to assess the climate change impacts of your products and services.

GHG Accounting Across the Entire Life Cycle

Assessing greenhouse gas levels is based on the life cycle of your product or service. Product carbon footprinting involves assessing emissions from all sources of activities including: raw material extraction and processing, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, use, and end-of-life.

Methodologies for Carbon Footprinting

We utilize PAS 2050, WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol, or ISO/TS 14067 accounting methodology to establish your carbon footprint.

  • WRI - The WRI GHG Protocol is an international accounting tool widely used by governments and business leaders to understand GHG emissions. As of 2011, GHG Protocol encompasses two standards that focus on life cycle GHG emissions for products and supply chains.
  • PAS 2050 - PAS 2050 was released by the British Standards (BSI) in 2008 as the world’s first product carbon footprint standard. Meeting PAS 2050 will support compliance with ISO/TS 14067 in the future.
  • ISO/TS 14067 - ISO recently published ISO/TS 14067 “Carbon footprints of Products,” which covers quantification and communication requirements of GHG emissions associated with products and services.

Levels of impact captured by carbon footprint approaches vary based on the data collected, the impacts included, and the calculation methods used.

Carbon Footprint Labeling

Carbon footprint labeling is also an option for companies who wish to communicate their results to customers and stakeholders. Various carbon footprint labels have been developed by different carbon accounting schemes. Businesses that wish to use a carbon label are required to have their product assessment verified by a third party.

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